Learn to Maximize Sales Opportunities During Virtual HNA

Register now for Virtual HNA, where you can hone your skills to maximize every sales opportunity. The Marketing & Sales track is THE place to find sessions covering residential and commercial, ICP and PICP, sales fundamentals, marketing essentials, and so much more. In this track, you will find 14 sessions for a total of 10 continuing education hours, including both 25-minute power sessions and 50-minute deep dives into these topics:

Deep Dives

  • Competitive Advantages of Concrete Pavers

  • Homebuilder and Developer Projects

  • Turning Finished Projects into Impactful Marketing

  • Upselling to Homeowners

  • Prequalifying Leads Using Technology and Content

  • The Essentials for Marketing a Hardscape Company Today

Power Sessions

  • Selling on Value

  • Developing Your Sales Message

  • Opportunities for Permeable Pavers in Residential and Commercial Markets

  • Partnering with Contractors for Marketing Content

  • Identifying Ideal Clients

  • 3 Questions to Ask in Every Deal

  • Why Relationships Matter

  • The Importance of Persistence